<% Dim conn70,rs70 Set conn70 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") conn70.Open strcon Set RS70 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") SQL = "Select * from scrollnews_master" SQL = sql+" order by accountorder desc,tid desc" RS70.Open SQL ,conn70 ,1,2 if rs70.bof and rs70.eof then kpt=0 else kpt=0 while not rs70.eof kpt=kpt+1 mm=rs70("tid") brid=rs70("accountid") if kpt>1 then 'brtitle=brtitle&" | " end if brtitle =brtitle&" "&" " if kpt mod 2 = 1 then brtitle =brtitle&"" end if brtitle =brtitle&Rs70("accountname") if kpt mod 2 = 1 then brtitle =brtitle&"" end if brtitle =brtitle&"" %> <% rs70.movenext wend end if set rs70=nothing set conn70=nothing brtitle=brtitle %> <%=brtitle%>

Auto Diesel Parts Group Dubai (ADP Group) has been one of the leading auto spare parts dealers in Dubai for the past 2 decades, supplying products for all types of Japanese light and heavy vehicles to more than 2000 customers across the world. We have 15-20 Japanese suppliers including internationally known high quality product manufacturers like AISIN SEIKI - NKK Clutches, P.T EDICO - ND piston & liners, CADA Industrial Co. – CADA Gaskets, KONISHI SEISAKUSHO - SUPER king pin kit etc and other suppliers like TOYO Trading, TMY Corporation, SANWA DYNAMIC, UNION MOTORS, CHICAGO PRODUCTS etc.
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<% Set con7 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") con7.open strcon msql7="select * from news_master order by accountdate desc, tid desc" set RS7 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") RS7.Open mSQL7 ,Con7 ,1,2 if rs7.bof and rs7.eof then else a=0 while not rs7.eof and a<2 a=a+1 ntitle=rs7("accountname") nid=rs7("accountid") ndesc=rs7("accountdesc") if len(ndesc)>3 then ndesc=left(ndesc,80) end if nimage="./Driver/News1/"&rs7("accountphoto1") %> <% rs7.movenext wend end if set rs7=nothing set con7=nothing %>
<% if right(ucase(trim(nimage)),4)=".JPG" or right(ucase(trim(nimage)),4)=".GIF" or right(ucase(trim(nimage)),5)=".JPEG" then %> <% end if%>  
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